Friday 12 May 2017

Puchong 燒烤吃到飽 任吃任點 沒GST一人只需「RM36」!

(大馬美食與新聞頻道12日訊)小编又找到好康哦!这次要介绍的是位于在雪隆的蒲种的 TLC Charcoal 炭烧BBQ哦!这里是不用自己手动烧烤的,因为他们有一个‘自动旋转炭烤炉’哦。吃完还不收服务费和GST!

(大馬美食與新聞頻道12日訊)小编又找到好康哦!这次要介绍的是位于在雪隆的蒲种的 TLC Charcoal 炭烧BBQ哦!这里是不用自己手动烧烤的,因为他们有一个‘自动旋转炭烤炉’哦。吃完还不收服务费和GST!

Image may contain: people sitting, table, food and indoor

而且他们新张优惠。 只要六人行,就一人一人免费!六人以下,每人折扣10%!配套价每人只需RM36!配套包括26种串烧无限量任点、FREE FLOW 4种开胃菜、蒜香饭、白饭、炒乌冬面和3种饮料。

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Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, table, food and indoor

Image may contain: food


Image may contain: people sitting and food

Image may contain: food

来到这里一定要吃他们的的 Bacon Cheese 还要撒上「辣椒粉」不放不爽啊!辣椒粉、烤Bacon和半融浓郁Cheese夹攻,味道超超好吃呢!

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Image may contain: food

Image may contain: food and indoor


Image may contain: table and food


Image may contain: people sitting, table and food


Image may contain: food

Image may contain: food

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor

Image may contain: one or more people

TLC Charcoal BBQ

营业时间: 11.30am - 2.30pm, 6.00pm - 10.30pm Daily
地址: No.47-G, Jalan Puteri 1/8, Bandar Puteri Puchong, 47100 Puchong, Selangor.